What is Surfingkeys

Surfingkeys is a Chrome extension designed to provide rich keyboard shortcuts for clicking links, switching tabs, scrolling, and capturing pages, with the aim of enhancing browser productivity

It offers extensive functionality for Vim and EMACS users, making it highly extendable with JavaScript

The plugin's features include keyboard shortcuts for clicking links, switching tabs, scrolling pages/DIVs, capturing full pages/DIVs, and searching selected content with various search engines

Additionally, it allows editing input and URLs with a Vim editor

The website associated with the plugin serves as a platform for sharing pre-built tools and interesting content

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267 Ratings

Charley RathkopfCharley Rathkopf

Like others have said, it seems that this extension, which was AWESOME is now malware as it is changing the search provider. Looking in the source code I don't see anything reference to smartwebfinders.com, so there must be some "phone home" function that is getting this site as a target for the change. Thank you Google for highlighting this change. I wish I had the time to review the source code and find why this is happening and make a safe personal copy, but sadly that is unlikely to hap... Show more

Thresh momoThresh momo

Uh-oh! The SurfingKeys extension encountered a bug. Please click here to start filing a new issue, append a description of how you were using SurfingKeys before this message appeared, then submit it. Thanks for your help! 控制台查看如下错误 8fab30bf-a49e-451c-a1ba-c2c35c434420:1 Refused to load the script 'chrome-extension://gfbliohnnapiefjpjlpjnehglfpaknnc/pages/worker-javascript.js' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self'". Note that 'script-src-elem... Show more

Complex PatriotComplex Patriot

Its a good app but there are two things that need to be fixed before it replaces vimium for me. First, it would be nice if the links generally used the left hand home row like vimium does. Second the permissions required seem excessive, are these really needed or is this extension scraping your data? - Read and change all your data on the websites you visit - Read and change your browsing history on all your signed-in devices - Read and change your bookmarks - Read and modify data yo... Show more