What is Infinity New Tab

The Infinity New Tab plugin offers a variety of features for customizing the Chrome New Tab, including website icon customization, HD wallpapers, bookmark management, weather integration, notes and to-do lists, history management, app management, notepad application, and more

It also provides cloud sync, intelligent mail notification, personalized search, and a privacy policy

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11.5K Ratings

Scott SmithScott Smith

Loved it until one day, it just stopped working in Chrome. Used it for over a year before this happened. All my new tab links are gone and threw off my productivity. Great to have a productivity app that is this useful. The whole point is that it makes you more efficient. But if it just disappears one random day, it throws productivity down the drain unpredictably. I think I will not go through the hassle of setting it all up again for fear that it will just disappear one day unpredictably.

Raven NightSpellRaven NightSpell

As someone else said. It works good, i would say 4 or 5, but they secretly try to add affiliate links if you have a site like Amazon on it, which is super shady. Infinitybuy is only one of them but I have others some even shadier that just fail or are security blocked !!!! --- Seriously, check your amazon link and double, triple check, I have changed Amazon's link over a dozen times. I only discovered it because my security apps warned me.

RJ Ranay (RJ)RJ Ranay (RJ)

It was great until Chrome got updated just now: Version 110.0.5481.178 (Official Build) (64-bit). This got me burned! All my Infinity tab folder collections are back to default like its a new install. *sigh* Can't find a way to restore it. Back to the default good old bookmarks again, at least when Chrome updates the bookmarks still remains.