SellerTools Amazon Product & Keyword Research


13 Ratings
May 16, 2023

#Amazon #Amazon Tools #Keyword #Product Management #Sales Management #Sales #Salesforce #Business Process

What is SellerTools Amazon Product & Keyword Research

The plugin provides a comprehensive set of tools for Amazon sellers, including product research, keyword volume analysis, automated reviews, and sales optimization

It offers features such as Listing Quality Score, access to Amazon Brand Analytics Data, repeat buyer review requests, and sales data analysis

The plugin is designed to work across multiple Amazon marketplaces and offers a 14-day free trial for users to experience its capabilities

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13 Ratings

Jay NayakJay Nayak

I am giving 5 star review to this extension because of its differentiation than other extensions. But after updating this extension i am facing issues while requesting reviews. iS there specific requirement of system for using this to review requests? I was facing Ajax Error 403. Can you please help us to resolve it? Thank you.


Ever since they released their new LQS feature, I've been really liking this chromes extension. The LQS tool gives me a ton of insight into how I can improve my listing. Works great!

Vova EvenVova Even

Pretty awesome Chrome extension for Amazon sellers. I really love that quick index checker in the LQS part of the extension. Check it out :)