What is Helium 10

The Helium 10 Chrome Extension is a powerful tool designed for Amazon and Walmart sellers

It offers features such as product research, keyword research, listing optimization, product launches & marketing, and operations & analytics

The extension provides capabilities to assess competition, demand, opportunity, discover new product niches, identify keyword opportunities, analyze competition, calculate potential profit margins, spy on competitors' listing stock, and gain customer sentiment insights

It also includes tools for estimating margins, finding suppliers, and assessing product demand

The extension is dedicated to enhancing the Amazon selling experience and is trusted by over 1,000,000 sellers

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293 Ratings

Paul JohnsonPaul Johnson

For some reason this tool is breaking Stripe checkout on lots of sites. So whenever you try to buy something online it can cause the following error if the site is using stripe checkout: "Refused to load the script 'https://js.stripe.com/v3' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' 'wasm-unsafe-eval' 'inline-speculation-rules'" I have no idea why a tool for Amazon and Walmart data needs access or is running on pages other than Amazon and Walmar... Show more

Kyle BinderKyle Binder

Anyone who reviews this poorly is likely an overthinker or a bottom feeder. The negative reviews are people complaining about too much information or the price. Our Amazon business is almost at eight figures a year and I know many many other successful sellers and we use TWO programs, Helium 10 is the main one, the other is for profit tracking. The other sellers I personally know love Helium 10, for $99/month you get everything you need to sell on Amazon minus a better profit tracking tool o... Show more

David KuchmyDavid Kuchmy

Why does the API keep on having sync issues? I am paying every month and we have filed many customer service requests yet I still keep on getting API sync errors. We have spent much time trying to fix this and optimize campaigns but Adtomic still keeps on glitching and causing errors. I am very upset about this. Suggested changes are not pulling through in multiple marketplaces and I have issues with campaign creation errors and campaign family creation is inconsistent and broken. Automation ... Show more