FANTASTIC extension, helps me a ton especially when I can't directly copy text from the website. Here are a few quality of life feature suggestions I have: 1. Allow multiple lines in quizlet responses, for example Quizlet: This is text on one line This is text on another This is text on a third! Quizlit: This is text on one lineThis is text on anotherThis is text on a third If need be maybe make it expandable? 2. Allow user to click quizlet answer and have it take them to the study set ... Show more
Quizwiz - Ace Your HW & Exams, Now With AI is an AI-powered extension designed to assist students in rapidly searching and comprehending last-minute homework and exam questions
The plugin features manual mode for question search, rapid fire mode for searching multiple questions at once, and the ability to ask the AI for more advanced answers
It also includes options for search style, match style, and results limit
Additionally, the plugin offers extras such as omnibox search and keybinds for faster access
The software is intended strictly for use as a study tool to aid student comprehension and prohibits any form of cheating