WebGL Fingerprint Defender


26 Ratings
Apr 26, 2023

#Browser #Browser Extension #Privacy #Security

What is WebGL Fingerprint Defender

Defending against WebGL fingerprinting by reporting a fake value

WebGL Fingerprint Defender is a browser extension that allows users to easily hide their real WebGL fingerprint by reporting a random fake value

It adds a small noise to the actual fingerprint and renews it every time a website is visited or a page is reloaded

The extension can spoof both WebGL constants and the image rendered with the WebGL API

To disable the add-on, users can visit the extensions page in their browser and click on the disable button

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26 Ratings


Does what it claims to in the most convenient way possible. I don't know why would anyone need a whitelist for this addon (seen this as a downside in another review) - it's hard to imagine a situation where a legit website feature would be broken because of what this addon does, this is not an adblocked that removes parts of the page outright. I also don't think it is fair to criticize the addon for spoofing being detectable - it might be technically impossible due to addon api limitations.... Show more


I mostly use this extension in my primary browser, Opera (as Opera is on the Blink engine, which is based on Chromium, it can install Chrome extensions) and boy could it really use some options. I realize I'm posting this as a review for the both Chrome & Opera, but many of the criticisms still apply to both. Firstly, when I went to install this extension in Chrome (to write this review) I got an error that popped up from Google that said "This extension is not trusted by Enhanced Safe Brows... Show more

Stanton McCandlishStanton McCandlish

Does exactly what it should do and claims it does. Tested at https://browserleaks.com/webgl where it defeated both forms of WebGL hashing. I like that this is a one-exploit fix instead of a plugin claiming to spoof all forms of user fingerprinting, since new methods of that come up all the time. It's better to be certain that you have a particular weakness patched up because you have an extension that corresponds to it exactly, than to go without preventing a leak because you assumed it was... Show more