WAXP - Contacts Exporter for WhatsApp


62 Ratings
Oct 23, 2023

What is WAXP - Contacts Exporter for WhatsApp

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i want this extention but too expensive . i am already using statefluence extention they cost only 9 dollers .. but this extention no proper price plan no plan duration and no any proper trial version . they should make proper video and should make proper website with proper price plan with features and durations.

Ivan SmirnovIvan Smirnov

Completely works for me. Trial version shows you all your WhatAspp contacts with hidden figures. Decided to pay (20$) bacause we have to put these contact into a CRM system. Didn't find any other free way for it 💁 Thanks guys, all work well! Все работает хорошо. Стоит своих денег.

Imtelligence AgeImtelligence Age

I like it, but I'm worried about using it. Scrapping is forbidden by whatsapp and got 2 of my whatsapp numbers banned. Is your method of extraction different? Is it safe to continue using, or am I going to lose another account?