What is WA Bulk Message Sender - WAMessager

The plugin is a WhatsApp Bulk Message Sender and Marketing Software that allows users to send personalized messages, attachments, and media files to customers

It offers features such as message customization, privacy tools, customer communication, and analytics

The plugin is not endorsed by WhatsApp Inc

and is designed to help businesses connect with their subscribers via WhatsApp

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330 Ratings

Higor Rodrigues Torres da SilvaHigor Rodrigues Torres da Silva

I don't believe in this software, I bought it and couldn't activate it. I've seen the tutorial several times and it doesn't explain how activation is done. 24/7 support is a lie, I tried to talk to you for days and you didn't answer me either via WhatsApp or email. I want my money back.

Moto TrustMoto Trust

WA Messenger is a great tool to promote business. I found it really helpful and sorted. This app is simply to install and use. Additionally support is quick and prompt as well. Recommend it to those who are seeing to level up their game in business.

Lucas GaldianoLucas Galdiano

awesome free trial: allows up to 50 msg per day, group contacts exportation, customization per name/etc. really nice extension for those who are beginning with bulk messaging.