Volume Control


1.1K Ratings
Nov 20, 2023

What is Volume Control

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1.1K Ratings

Ferdinand Von AegirFerdinand Von Aegir

I can finally play music at a high enough volume to match my amp while I'm playing guitar, so it does exactly what I need it to. If you're having trouble turning the digital volume knob, just hover over it with your cursor and then use the mouse scroll wheel instead. I only rated it four stars so you know I'm not a bot; this is actually a five star extension in my book.

Superguy 57Superguy 57

was perfect until they made it pop out into a seperate window that needs to be kept open? change it back to how it was, I dont want to run an entirely seperate window behind my youtube video, I want it to be right next to it and IN THE SAME APPLICATION:/ anyways, change it back to how it was cus it was perfectly fine

Linh TranLinh Tran

I hate wearing hearing aid at home. Using earbuds helps a little, but I have to rely on closed captions when viewing dramas and film on my Chromebook. Somehow I came across this volume control for Google Chrome. It boosts the volume to my liking. I have no technical problems using it.