I really like Virtru - but it totally conflicts with the new gmail interface. With Virtru chrome extension enabled and gmail using the new (now mandatory) interface - gmail stops working. Clicking anything in gmail (eg Compose) does nothing. Disabling the Virtru extension solves the problem. Switching to the old gmail interface (back when you could) also resolved the issue. I'd love to use Virtru, but obviously if you can't use gmail, then it's pointless. Also - there are features such as... Show more
The Virtru Email Protection plugin provides email encryption, data loss prevention (DLP), end-to-end encryption, granular access controls, and compliance features for Gmail
It ensures privacy, maintains compliance with data privacy regulations, and allows secure, seamless sharing of Gmail messages and attachments
The plugin also offers persistent file protection, instant revocation, and data-centric protection with object-level encryption for email messages and attachments directly within the Gmail client using a simple Chrome extension