View Image Info (properties)


189 Ratings
Mar 20, 2023

#Image Search & Management #Image Services

What is View Image Info (properties)

image info, image properties, dimensions, URL, file size, file type info, context menu, file type, preview, image SEO, metadata optimization

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189 Ratings

Riche BrightRiche Bright

Nice. Simple to use. Very helpful, the best image property viewer in the Chrome Extension webstore that I can find. Unfortunately, in my limited experience in using this extension it often incorrectly lists the img tag Alt attribute info as blank. Not sure about the img tag Title attribute info yet. I've yet to pin down the parameters for exactly when this glitch happens, but so far it seems to be most of the time. As for improvements, it would be GREAT if this tool also listed DPI, PPI, b... Show more

Myke BlackMyke Black

Excellent, just what I was looking for! Only slight niggle is that it does not display the image file size if the image is on a https page (try using it on any images on this page and see what I mean) - but it does display the image dimensions on secure pages file. There's another extension called 'view image info' by a Chinese developer which does show file sizes in https but it's not as pretty and it doesn't have the preview zoom, data uri or image scaling info that this extension sports.... Show more

Rick BookerRick Booker

I have used this extension for years and have loved it. This latest update 6 March, has ruined it completely. The information used to be in a separate window, now it is part of the browser window and cannot be moved to compare with other image's information. Unless this changes soon it will be going away. Does anyone know of an extension that is as good as this one used to be? I'll change right now.