video downloader - CocoCut


10.3K Ratings
Nov 16, 2023

What is video downloader - CocoCut

video downloader, music downloader, HLS streaming downloader, download videos, download audios, live show downloader, video preview, free to use, no registration, easy to use, recording mode, download progress monitoring, Chrome extension, Edge extension

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10.3K Ratings

Ja yaJa ya

About 97% of the time, I am able to download my videos. The feature where it captures the *.m3u8 file is helpful too as I can then use the ffmpeg program (open source) with the *.m3u8 file to download something that isn't easily loaded (the other 3%). I find this program works really well with ffmpeg. It's really rare that I can't use Cococuts to download a video. There have been many times where I have purchased a product containing videos and they say you have "lifetime access"...but we... Show more

Dan ColeDan Cole

Maybe my use case just doesn't align with what was intended, but I can't see this making life easier or replacing any of the methods I already have in place. It doesn't work on YouTube for presumably Google's TOS (not the developers fault, but still a negative) So I tried it on Pinterest, an example of a site that uses the whole "BLOB" video system; Cococut can detect the files but can't preview them, and when they're downloaded they don't work in VLC player. I was hoping to find a easier sys... Show more

Christopher WhiteheadChristopher Whitehead

Looks like they slow downloads unless you choose the "Pro" version(not just by not allowing multi-download either, the plugin throttles). You can use another similar plugin on the same video and speeds will be faster than with this plugin. I started noticing the download speed had diminished quite a bit over the past few months. I don't know exactly which version or when this started happening, since I don't really use it a lot. If you want something comparable that is free, currently "S... Show more