In addition to the price history and the search for similar products, there are several functions that are not available in other Aliexpress extensions. The seller's rating is displayed not only on the product page, but also in the category, on the search page and on the store page. In the list of goods there is a button "Load more" which loads items without reloading the page (not only in categories, but also in search). This is, of course, a little things, but if you turn off the extensio... Show more
The 'Up Assistant' plugin falls under the 'E-commerce Tools' category with subcategories including 'Price Tracking', 'Seller Rating Analysis', 'Favorites Management', 'Similar Goods Search', and 'Quick Access Menu'
The plugin provides features such as price history tracking, seller rating analysis, favorites list management, similar goods search, and a quick access menu for necessary tools and functions
It is designed to simplify shopping on AliExpress, especially during big sales events, and is compatible with popular cashback services and dropshipping assistants
The plugin is free, ad-free, and safe to use