TinEye Reverse Image Search


1.4K Ratings
Feb 20, 2023

#Image Search & Management #Privacy #Security #Image Services

What is TinEye Reverse Image Search

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1.4K Ratings

Barra DarcyBarra Darcy

Great for everything BUT Flickr. I have a lot of photos on my Flickr account which I uploaded after years of them sitting in my Google Photos account. I thought once I'd done that I could use the Tineye extension to weed out photos I'd saved which were not actually mine. Nope. No menu option at all; No Tineye on Flickr no matter what I do. What should I do to make it work? Tineye is a great site and very useful but I can't get this to work.


It's the most useless extension I've ever downloaded. Can't reverse search to save its life. Like ever! In about 6 months it stayed in my browser, there literally hasn't been a single time when it performed better than chrome's own reverse image search. what the hell is the point of this thing?! ...and how the hell does it have so many good reviews?! are people unaware of chrome's own thing??

Johnny YumaJohnny Yuma

Alright, I rather use this than Google Reverse Image Search but this just displays the filename that I know of at the moment. Is there a way of getting a description like Google does? I just started using Tineye so I'm not sure of all the options available to me. I'll look around on Tineye's website but if anyone knows, please let me know.