What is Superpowers for Instagram

Mass follow, mass unfollow and mass like on Instagram with powerful options

Performs a series of actions and repeats them after a certain pause

Customize with powerful options

Please carefully read the Instagram Community Guidelines

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48 Ratings

CTFUCreep (TheCREEPuLuv)CTFUCreep (TheCREEPuLuv)

I feel like People Need to Read the option part & Don't be Greedy.. this isn't meant for quick over night success but its doin its job ... tweak and play with the settings ..... up the the secs on how long you want the break to be b4 it likes another picture or follow a page IG pics up on that so make it like your human Capabilities especially for auto pilot .... i feel like the developers should of said sumtin like this in the description i learned the hard way when i was using a app that di... Show more


Anyway, here`s your problem... While unfollowing people (followed more than x days) ... all the things seems ok (I doned this many time). And ... While unfollowing people (that doesn't follow me) ... instagram blocks me in one hour! (Same settings on both) And I saw .... the bot actually goes to every account and looks if they folllows me ( They`s algorithm sees that) Back in the days... had a bot that at this point does this... Firstly scans my following and followers lists and after that st... Show more

Gabriel García de TuñónGabriel García de Tuñón

I have purchased the PRO version but it is not working perfect... The extension sometimes stops liking at like 70 - 120, etc. number ok likes, follows, unfollows... (although there is no action paused by instagram). I have also set up a time interval but it is not working (I put min 8 sec. and the extension is liking or following every 3-3 seconds aprox. I think it is a good tool but it needs some improvements on it...