What is Stylus

Stylus is a user styles manager that allows easy installation of custom themes and skins for popular websites

It offers versatility in theme installation options, a backup feature for installed styles, automatic updates, highly customizable UI, and optional code validators

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997 Ratings

Joseph KimJoseph Kim

Excellent extension for customizing CSS styles but sadly with recent Chrome update, it stopped working entirely, and it even seems all my custom CSS styles I spent time writing are gone! Hopefully they're still saved somewhere and recoverable with a fix... otherwise, as of this writing (May 31, 2022) this extension is unfortunately utterly broken with latest Chrome update -- dunno if it was the Chrome update or extension update but don't update if you want to keep the extension working! Happy... Show more

Pat MySecretPat MySecret

I had dropped fiddling with CSS, but when I found this inspiring extension, I started again. I've never tried Stylish, but Stylus definitely seems like the winner.. at least in philosopy. (5/27 ok, I found one issue that might make me try Stylus. It has been noted that Stylus extension does not always work smoothly with new userstyles, I can't get my style to show outside the Style Manager, though if I modify an imported one, that might work) At no fault of the author, I would say that the St... Show more

Jeff StateJeff State

There are lots comments here comparing "Stylus" to "Stylish." I'm a former user of Stylish, so I've had a few years to experience both of these extensions. Here is what I have found: Both are used to change the themes of web sites to your preferences, using "style" scripts, that are added to the extension, which are assigned to activate for specific websites e.g. Amazon, YouTube, etc. If you have the Stylus extension pinned, it shows a badge when your installed styles are activated for your ... Show more