What is Spell checker and Grammar checker by Scribens

A powerful, free spelling and grammar checker by Scribens that corrects 250 types of grammar mistakes in English and French

It can correct spelling mistakes on more than 500 sites and apps including email platforms, social networks, and office automation tools

The plugin offers a free version limited to 50,000 characters and does not require registration

It employs SSL encryption for data transfer and utilizes the Cloudflare web application firewall for server protection

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There are lots of people saying this extension does not work. However, IT DOES, and it does so very well. I just installed it for google docs where I needed it, and it works great- it does have a few bugs, like trying to remove the space between the period and the first letter of the sentence, but it has many great features that other checkers make you pay for. I am currently using it in conjunction with at least 5 other grammar checkers, and this is the first one I have tried that does so mu... Show more

yussuf malimyussuf malim

I worked as a registration officer at A.R.C way station in Afmadow district where I gained excellent skills of data and Identity registration. I also worked with IOM as Displacement tracking matrix team leader and participated various data collection in diverse department.With such responsibility I collected and analysed and developed data collection tools .

Niki YNiki Y

That was a waste of five minutes. It doesn't actually check what you type on other website you ave to go to the scribbens website to write whatever you want to write. You might as well open up word it does the same thing, works the same, and requires the same ammount of faff.