What is Smooth Key Scroll

Smooth Key Scroll is a browser extension that falls under the category of Browser Tools

Its specific features include Keyboard Shortcut/Hotkeys for smooth and responsive scrolling, Scroll Management with adjustable speed and power scrolling keys, Browser Extension Development with version updates and issue tracking on GitHub, Mouse Hover Effects Management to automatically disable hover effects while scrolling, and Browser Performance Optimization for improved scrolling performance

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164 Ratings

Frykauf La KostaFrykauf La Kosta

10/10 ACTUALLY SMOOTH scrolling. Other extensions may have more support for more input devices, but they don't actually have smooth scrolling. They just modify the already existing browser scrolling to be different, without actually giving you smoother scrolling experience. I'm considering paying the $3 for more ergonomic vim like scrolling and the "disable mouse hover effect while scrolling" feature for just even little bit better experience then the already awesome experience you already g... Show more


I'm using donated version for keybindings of WASD scroll. It's not the possible best. but I find this the best among what currently showing up on the market. good for ergonomics =D pro : "this gains high priority upon page loading." but still, not as much as that of a mouse scroll. cons : 1. limited scrolling speed option. 2. some keybindings conflict with internal hotkeys like 'Ctrl W' for those who has the problem of 'cons 1.' , you can change it by using HTML edit. on the option page, pr... Show more

Chris VydasChris Vydas

Charging in excess of $90 for a premium features of a very mediocre extension is just pure greed and completely unjustified, good luck getting anyone to pay that. in addition this ext. had no effect in my android emulator with chrome installed. page scroll speed was the same no matter what settings were used. comon now people, don't pay for this trash Tomas Rojas, go one further and uninstall this junk