Smart Page Ruler


55 Ratings
Oct 16, 2023

#Developer #Web Design #Design & Development #Web

What is Smart Page Ruler

Measure relative and absolute position of elements, calculate height, width, margin, padding, inspect and select elements easily, ensure accuracy, similar to Zeplin layer inspection tool, user-friendly design

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55 Ratings


It's great, it really is but this warning I always get on console is annoying. Any way to ignore it? "DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for chrome-extension://nmibbjghlmdiafjolcphdggihcbcedmg/ HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME" btw. on your site this error is also logged to console: "DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for HTTP error: stat... Show more

Cristina Notario LendrinoCristina Notario Lendrino

Hi, I have been using this extension to measure my react web elements that are rendered inside of the iframe but it is not possible today. I only can measure elements outside of the iframe. As I can see, there was an update 2 days ago. Could you check it? Thank you. This tool is very helpful for me

Netsanet FekaduNetsanet Fekadu

It is not working on the latest chrome versions. I was using it before on the older versions but now I don't have a choice please try to fix the problem. the problem is it is not active and not inspect any page elements at all even if it turned on.