Slides Timer


52 Ratings
Apr 07, 2023

#Presentation #Presentation Tools

What is Slides Timer

Create timers using placeholders, pause and restart timers, reset timers, display current time, numeric dates, and more granular time formatting in presented slides

The extension automatically brings timers to life in presented slides by replacing times placed between << and >> with a timer

It can handle more granular formatting for time and date

The extension does not handle user data

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52 Ratings

Paul RobertsonPaul Robertson

Best I can judge, the instructions lack clarity and examples. "Add $ in a count down or up timer to start it in a paused state." Well, there's no example of this further down, so should I write <<$0:00>> , <<0:00$>>, or some other combination? I'm looking at this because after using the timer once successfully on a slide, it never worked again. Hitting the "e" key indeed resets it to the first value, but that will not start the timer again. Hitting "d" only advances it by one second. It never... Show more

Stephen AndersonStephen Anderson

So simple and cool! I was looking for a countdown timer for Google Slides, and this is perfect. You can use any font, bold, etc. Most other solutions I found when searching for this involved embedding and muting a YouTube video into the presentation. This works much better and is much more versatile. The count up and current time features are added bonuses. I'm sure I can find good opportunities to use them going forward.

Beatriz BinnieBeatriz Binnie

Doesn't work at all. Tried installing it a few times. Followed all the instructions in several YouTube videos, however it doesn't work for me. PLEASE fix this because this extension would be very useful. I can't believe that there aren't any other options. This is the only one and it doesn't work =(