What is Shortcuts for Google™ Products

Displays all Google products in a single, space-saving, drop-down panel

The extension allows for easy access to Google products through various shortcuts and provides options for customization such as re-arranging icons, resizing the popup, and adding custom products to the list

It also offers operational features like opening in new tabs, new windows, or background tabs based on different keyboard shortcuts

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109 Ratings

Richard HoeferRichard Hoefer

Excellent extension — and it's stood the test of time for I don't even know how many years; it's got to be over 10. ............. One question, maybe I am overlooking something obvious, but is there a SEARCH function-- where i can enter a product name and it jumps to that product icon? So I can then drag it to the top panel?

Robert M. PapillionRobert M. Papillion

I like and use this extension. Unfortunately, though, you must remember to open a new tab before using it because, unlike Google's app launcher, it opens the selected app in the current tab. And there is no option to change this behavior.

B ValB Val

HIGHLY CUSTOMIZATION! I LOVE IT! Great Icons, Great Colors, Great Customization options! What more could you ask for! I discovered Google services and toys I didn't even know existed! I love this extension. Thank you!