

1.4K Ratings
Nov 02, 2023

#SEO #Website Performance & Optimization #Web

What is SelectorsHub

xPath plugin, cssSelector plugin, auto generate xpath, auto generate cssSelector, verify xpath, verify cssSelector, smart editor, Playwright selectors, jQuery, JS Path, error handling, shadow dom, nested shadow dom, iframe, nested iframe, svg elements, dynamic elements, xpath automation, cssSelector automation, xpath error handling, cssSelector error handling, unique selectors, multiple xpaths, locators page

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1.4K Ratings

Itai EtzmanItai Etzman

Loved this tool, however, lately I am getting random chrome tabs opening up advertising "Applitools". I knew this was a chrome extension causing this because it was happening across multiple PC's and Mac with my account, but only Chrome. I finally figured it out by looking at the URL, and seeing the utm_term as "utm_term=231026-selectors-hub" The chrome tab only ever opens it seems when Chrome is not in focus, so it comes across as though that was a page I was browsing. Really poor tactics, ... Show more

Dan XDan X

It did its job when I needed it months ago, however it has now happened three times that it has opened an affiliate link while the computer is unattended! Today I came back to my computer after a few hours (which was biometric locked and alone in my house before you say someone else somehow clicked on something.) to find a tab open for a free trial of a web service I have no interest in with a URL ending with "?utm_source=SelectorsHub&utm_medium=Listing&utm_campaign=SelectorsHub_live_freetria... Show more

Sandeep SrikhakolluSandeep Srikhakollu

Selectors Hub is very useful in finding the locator and this tool making automation testers job more easy as no need to spend more time in identifying and writing the xpath/css selector. When a person is not much comfort in writing xpaths with siblings, parent, child and ancestors then selectors hub is best tool to use. One more hidden gem in this selectors hub is debugging. When user wants to find the xpath but the element is disappearing from the DOM when we click on inspect then we can Tu... Show more