Useless and poorly built website. Continuously getting "Invalid Request" or "Error" messages when trying to login (yes my firewall was turned off and my cache cleared). There is no password reset option, no customer service chat or number to call. When you sign up, you only type your password and email 1 time so there is no verification that you did not have a typo in your login information. There is no confirmation email that you did sign up (not even in spam). Since there was no help sign... Show more
Watch shows and movies in sync with friends around the world
Host watch parties with your friends, or go live for up to a million guests, while your show is automatically synced for everyone
Discover what to watch next, see what friends are watching, and expand your community with the Scener homepage that puts you at the center of the watch party action
With support for Netflix, Disney+, HBO Max, Hulu, Youtube, and more, Scener is the one-stop destination for streaming anything with anyone
Whether you’re leading your legion of fans in a huge, interactive watch party, or having a virtual movie night with friends, Scener is social viewing where you're in control