Had been using other products which stopped working for me. Installed it today and main purpose is to have Ads free Youtube and it seems to be working so far so good. :)
Block ads and pop-ups on All the websites you browse every day
Prevent annoying ads and pop-ups from ruining your online experience
Block ads across YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, and all your favorite websites
SBlock provides an uninterrupted and smooth web surfing experience with a robust ad-blocking engine that blocks all disrupting ads
Enjoy watching videos, connecting with friends through social media, and checking out your favorite news website without being interrupted by unskippable video promotions, pop-ups, and other distracting ads
SBlock features and abilities: Stops disruptive pop-up, video, banner and other ads from hurting your online experience across YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, and your favorite websites
Blocks third-party trackers to minimize your online footprint
Lets you adjust the ad-blocking intensity for any website based on your preference
All you need to do is click on “Add to Chrome” and SBlock will be automatically downloaded and installed on your browser
Enjoy smooth and ad-free surfing! See more