What is Samsung Food

The Samsung Food plugin falls under the 'E-commerce Tools' category and offers features such as Recipe Management, Meal Planning, Shopping List Generator, Collaborative Lists, Online Grocery Shopping, and Synced Account

Users can save recipes from various websites, organize them into collections, scale servings, generate shopping lists, and share collaborative lists with friends and family

The plugin also provides integrated retailers for online ingredient purchases and syncs saved recipes to the user's Samsung Food account

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The extension no longer works. If you click the extension on a page to generate a recipe, the extension window opens with a green loading circle but nothing ever loads. The alternative is to paste a recipe URL directly into the Whisk app/website which does work fine. However, the purpose of this extension is to provide a "one-tap" functionality directly from the recipe website and it no longer works.

Evan DoyleEvan Doyle

Never used it when it was Whisk but this chrome extension does import recipes into Samsung Food without any issues that I have seen. It deliberately omits instructions of recipes to support the creator of the recipe which is a nice idea but all it means in reality is that it's slower to import a recipe since you have to manually copy the instructions over

Michelle Hankammer (Keiki)Michelle Hankammer (Keiki)

This application has not worked reliably since the first day Samsung released it. I used Whisk and the extension for years without issue, but this acquisition has destroyed a once useful website/application. The extension spins forever, and the desktop website loads only a blank page at login. Only the mobile app is working at all as of 9/29/23.