What is Rize

Rize is a smart time tracker that improves focus and productivity

It extends compatibility on Chromium-based browsers for URL detection

Rize tracks time spent on desktop's focused window, websites, and meetings, and supports macOS and Windows platforms

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12 Ratings

Mary Ann MarkowitzMary Ann Markowitz

Not sure about the new Chrome extension. I loved, beyond 5 stars, the Rize application on desktop and laptop. The latest Chrome extension does not appear to do anything. Really tired of apps changing so much to stay up with AI, who can learn all of it at once. I'll consider revising if the extension shows any value. About ready to go back to pomodoro timer.

Ollie BednalOllie Bednal

Best app I ever installed on my computer, the referral scheme is awesome too, my team and I compete between ourselves for who can have the best break/work ratio 😂 Improvement suggestion: Have a team pricing plan & Introduce collaborative working (you can see multiple people working on the same project) Keep up the amazing work @Rize 💪

Nicolas SNicolas S

I've been using Rize for many months, and my productivity has seen a huge improvement. I'm less stressed because I know how much time I have left to work, it's really helped me manage my time more efficiently