Result Hunter - Search Engine


35 Ratings
Mar 21, 2023

#Full #No #Privacy #Security #Miscellaneous

What is Result Hunter - Search Engine

The Result Hunter plugin is a search engine integration tool that prioritizes truth, freedom, and individual rights

It is designed for conservatives and offers conservative values integration, privacy protection, and no tracking or bloatware

The plugin provides a full web search engine experience, allowing users to search for a wide range of information while landing on websites that support their values

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35 Ratings

Vanessa CruzVanessa Cruz

I have been using Result Hunter for 2 years now and I LOVE it! I am no longer bombarded by Leftist Media propaganda and lies each and everytime that I would try to research a political subject. We have been for many years unwittingly and some of us wittingly feeding the Globalist, Socialist and New World Order Beast through Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram & Amazon. With our financial support, they have stolen the integrity of our elections, taken away our freedom of speech and rights and... Show more

Aaron FaulknerAaron Faulkner

Update 9/2/22: Still using Result Hunter. Still my primary search engine. Still getting quality results. I like the review that asks to prioritize Rumble over YouTube though. That would be nice. Need to expand this now to include things that Google has, like maps and email. As a search engine, 5 stars! Would love to see this become more. Update 12/9/21: Still using SC, but now it's Result Hunter. So far, it gives me quality results as any leftist search engine would when searching ... Show more

Mark HeatonMark Heaton

Hey JT Smith - I *really* like the concept you've got here and am definitely looking forward to using your 'SearchConservative' search engine at home and work. I've used it at home and it seems to work fine, but when I try to use it at work, the web page will pull up, but when I try to type in a search term it gives me a 'Not Secure' warning to the left of the search bar. Are there certain pop-up or privacy settings that are required to be 'tweaked' in the browser before your website works?... Show more