What is Record Voice Comments in Google Docs - Beep

The plugin falls under the 'Productivity Tools' category and includes subcategories such as 'Voice Generation' for recording voice notes, 'Text-to-Speech' for listening to voice comments, 'Collaboration' for team feedback, and 'Document Processing' for providing feedback on documents

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174 Ratings

Jeff Gordon (Jeffy G)Jeff Gordon (Jeffy G)

I have only toyed around with this extension for a few minutes now, but I have used voice recognition in various formats for over 20 years. This one is fairly accurate (I don't have a fancy headset microphone or anything I'm just speaking to my laptop). FEATURE REQUESTS: 1) Record and preserve the entire audio file -- in segments or in whole -- such that the user can use a transcription app and play back the audio. 2) Make it so **both the audio AND the raw text** are available for download... Show more

Dr. Caleb Burgess, DPTDr. Caleb Burgess, DPT

This is life-saving for me because I have back to back to back Zoom calls on multiple days per week and as a personal trainer I need to make sure I take good notes to track client progress while also staying engaged in our conversation (I don't want to be typing the whole time!). Beep allows me to leave a quick/concise voice note of the main points of my conversations with my clients when the information is fresh in my head and easy to articulate (much faster than my typing!). Thank you!

David Alexander Palahnuk English Teacher & TutorDavid Alexander Palahnuk English Teacher & Tutor

This is one of the most useful extensions I've ever used! So helpful and, amazingly, still free. It is my hope that the developers won't ever charge an unreasonable price for it, when they do eventually start to impose a fee. Keeping it really affordable will keep me onboard for the rest of my productive life. Nobody can afford to pay countless monthly subscription charges, no matter how useful a service is. Please keep that in mind!