What is Quick Image Search

This plugin allows users to start a secure search on Google Images from the context menu of their web browser

It provides the ability to right-click an image or selected text and use it for a secure search using Google Images

The extension integrates with the context menu, enabling users to initiate a secure Google Image search via HTTPS

Additionally, it offers reverse image search functionality using Google Lens

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22 Ratings

Brendan SilvaBrendan Silva

Excellent! It's perfect and it doesn't require additional permissions or privileges. It works flawlessly, adding an option to perform the search with Google Images, in the context menu. Thank you very much for this extension!


Work perfectly with Chrome Version 52.0.2743.116 m I rated this only 4 stars because it will be perfect if we can add other customisable shortcuts like Wikipedia ...

Lisa LavandulaLisa Lavandula

Does exactly as it says; searches Google for images based on text you select, which saves time. I use this all the time. :)