Push to Kindle


427 Ratings
Apr 10, 2023

#Document Management #Document & Download Management

What is Push to Kindle

Send web articles to Kindle for better reading experience, offers EPUB, PDF, and plain text downloads, speedy delivery, preview, alternative download options, PDF and image support, title editing, free with subscription option

Allows offline reading, available for Chrome, Android, iPhone, and iPad

No monitoring or script injection, content cached temporarily on server

Website: https://www


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427 Ratings

Kári HarðarsonKári Harðarson

I have used this extension for many years. It just occurred to me that I can't live without it, so I decided to visit the Chrome store and give credit where credit is due. If you use this extension whenever you see a big article worth reading on the web, you can look forward to a good weekend in the garden or your living room, reading on your kindle, instead of spending time at your desk reading the article.

Nick KroesNick Kroes

Hello, Have used your excellent service for years. Recently, it is unable to push articles from the Washington Post. Numerous attempts always return an "unable to send" message. This is the case both with the Chrome extension and Android app. Pastepad is a workaround, but considerably less handy than the standard "push" routine. Thanks again for your service. Nick

Jose Kercado (Kerc)Jose Kercado (Kerc)

Fantastic, flawless, fast. One of the best extensions I've ever gotten for Chrome, and I've been using Chromebooks since the old CR-48! If you have a Kindle, GET IT. Just remember to authorize the extension's email account to send you documents (you do this in your Amazon account).