What is Popularity Sort for eBay™

A chrome extension that sorts the eBay™ search results by popularity (number of times sold)

Auto activates when you search all eBay websites globally

A built-in toggle makes it possible enabling/disabling the extension

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68 Ratings

Susan BoyerSusan Boyer

This is not working for me, and I cannot figure out why. Chrome is up to date (Version 73.0.3683.103). Extension was just added today. I understand how it *should* work, just not happening. Sounds like a great idea, but how to get it to work?

Shawn “Gun Nerd” TannehillShawn “Gun Nerd” Tannehill

I've wanted this for so long. You can not do this through ebay's search. Works perfect. Just make sure you go to your extensions and turn it on. Thank you so much for this.

1001mebli pl1001mebli pl

Hi, is it possible to implement sorting not only search results but also category content? It will be great tool for new products research. Best regards