PomoDone: Focus on workflow with Timer


89 Ratings
Nov 20, 2023

#Pomodoro #Task #Time #Workflow #Productivity Tools #Task Management #Time Management

What is PomoDone: Focus on workflow with Timer

PomoDone is a productivity tool that integrates with various task management services and applies the Pomodoro Technique to improve focus and mental agility

It offers features such as time tracking, workflow integration, and task management

Users can block certain websites during work sessions and utilize ambient sounds for enhanced productivity

The plugin is suitable for individuals seeking to improve focus and organization in their daily tasks

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89 Ratings

Александр СироткинАлександр Сироткин

Web app is pretty ok because of settings and integrations. Mobile app is worse: glitchy sync with main app, much fewer settings. Now this extension is pretty much terrible. As long as it syncs with the app, it shows the timer. Honestly its only useful feature - is to show you the timer. But when it loses sync with main app - it' over. You can't sync it back again. You can't even open the main app by the button - it's obviously disconnected. The "sync all" button in the app doesn't help e... Show more

David CarelDavid Carel

I greatly appreciate the OSX application (I'm on El Capitan), and the Chrome extension really rounds out the Pomodoro experience for me. I prefer this to Toggl (as this is pomo-centric) and every other Pomo* implementation I've worked with (ever on quest for the best possible time mgmt/GTD/DIFN experience). As for integrations, I use Todoist, and I prefer the integration from the Pomodone application directly. The Pomodone icon on the Todoist web app is a nice touch, though. Edit: I also ... Show more

Martin WillmsMartin Willms

Hands down, Pomodone is the best package of pomodoro services. For me, that's it. The Pomodone chrome extension isn't, by itself, the most earth shattering thing. However, it tightly integrates into a package of services that - for me - is better than anything else in this category. Android app, Windows app, webapp - for me, being able to use it everywhere aaaaand be able to have it integrate with my favourite todo list app (for me, Microsoft Todo) - there's nothing else comparable.