I have a lot of respect and appreciation for the team behind PeerName. They are helping the amazing technology of Namecoin be accessed more easily by more people. The next step is to have dot bit viewers directly into browsers themselves which I can only hope you guys are working on! Anyways keep up the amazing work with the add ons and your registrar website. Thank you for making it possible for everyone to embrace Namecoin and other decentralized DNS systems :D
Enables the resolving of
bit domains by Namecoin blockchain and
lib, and
bazar domains by EmerCoin blockchain
Provides easy resolving of decentralized domains based on Namecoin and EmerCoin cryptocurrencies
Supports TLDs such as
Known bugs include issues with server directives, caching, and HTTPS
The extension is available for Chrome, Opera, and Firefox browsers, allowing the resolving of blockchain-based domains
The plugin also facilitates donations via Bitcoin