What is Password Depot Extension

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49 Ratings

Nathan NiemanNathan Nieman

Overall, the Password Depot Chrome extension has many issues with the way it handles logging in. This makes the extension very painful to use. 1. The prompt to login to the extension is embedded in web pages *can lead to a leak of credentials*. Sometimes webpages can steal focus from the login prompt (even in the middle of typing your password). This means that unless you notice that the focus has changed, you can end up typing your password into an insecure web application and it would be l... Show more

Juan Carlos MezaJuan Carlos Meza

Good Grief ... How anyone could give this a negative review ... I don't know; must have another agenda, or be out of the loop. PWD is hands-down a fantastic application. Use it together w/ the PWD extensions to turbo charge and deepen your online experience. Oh yeah, it does an incredible job of protecting your passwords too :) I rarely award 5/5, but PWD earns it day in and day out.

Mingxing PeiMingxing Pei

It's a great one that I was looking for because saving and storing passwords are always painful stuff for me. There're a lot of functionality that I don't care of but password stuff works really great for me. Love it!