What is partisia-wallet

Partisia Blockchain Wallet, An Partisia Wallet Extension for your browser

This extension provides access to the Partisia Blockchain and Dapps, injecting the Partisia web3 API into every website

It allows users to create and manage their own identities via private keys and mnemonic phrases, providing a secure interface for transaction review and approval

The extension requires permission to read and write to any webpage and the source code is available on Gitlab

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19 Ratings

Vincent the 4thVincent the 4th

I can not get it yto work. on the bridge site I go to connect all it does is send to the damn page to download. I already did that

Nils PhilippiNils Philippi

Love it so far and I am so excited what will come in the future!! Great team with a solid background located in Zug, Switzerland!!

bastiaan Verniestbastiaan Verniest

looks good! Easy and simple to use wallet. Project looks very promising. keep going Partisia.