Page diagnostics for SharePoint


7 Ratings
Jan 27, 2023

#Page Analysis #SEO #Website Performance & Optimization #Web

What is Page diagnostics for SharePoint

Page Diagnostics for SharePoint Online is a tool designed to identify and highlight recommended practices for optimizing the performance of Classic and Modern SharePoint site pages

It focuses on reducing server time and load on SQL within SharePoint, providing recommendations and resources for performance optimizations

The tool also includes a 'Learn more' feature for each recommended practice and supports SharePoint Online exclusively

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7 Ratings

Sean McDonoughSean McDonough

I do a fair bit of work speaking on and helping others troubleshoot SharePoint Online (SPO) performance issues, and in this tool's current release (v2.0.1), the Page Diagnostics Extension addresses many of the gaps that were present in v1.x of the extension. The tool is no longer limited to classic mode pages (it handles modern pages just fine), and this version provides prominent links to additional resources which help to educate and explain many of the factors influencing SPO page performa... Show more

Sean KuchleSean Kuchle

This app really helped me troubleshoot a performance issue with my SharePoint Online site. The only problem is though for what ever reason it broke some other sites when it was enabled. I'm not sure why it does this but luckily Chrome makes it easy to enable when I need to troubleshoot and disable when I'm not using it

Richard GiganRichard Gigan

It's good tools, but is always active and flood console box with useless log ... please add disable button or delete the useless log : "Copying network performance info... contentScript.js:52 CustomEvent {isTrusted: false, detail: {…}, type: "SP-YSLOW-WINDOW-PERF", target: document, currentTarget: document, …}"