What is ORGanizer for Salesforce

The ORGanizer Chrome Extension (BETA) for Salesforce

com® helps users manage their Salesforce accounts, passwords, and tabs efficiently

It offers features such as storing frequently used accounts, logging in on new tabs or windows, changing ORG tab titles for easy recognition, creating personal ORG quick link libraries, and using a quick console for admin and developer tools

The extension also provides color and title customization for each ORG tab and promises more features in future releases

Additionally, it includes a Quick Link feature, password management, and sync capabilities

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226 Ratings

Ike WaghIke Wagh

This is an absolutely excellent extension and should be part of every Salesforce Admin/Consultant's toolset. Personally, I love the Quick Links and the Changeset helper features. However, there are so many features in this that no matter what you're doing there is certainly something in this app that can help you accomplish your task faster. Thanks to Enrico for creating such a great tool! If you haven't had a chance to see what this app is all about - I created a short video highlighting som... Show more


This Salesforce Chrome Extension is by far the biggest productivity booster that I am currently using in my current job as a Salesforce administrator. Having worked with several Salesforce consultants from various companies, as well as Salesforce employees themselves, I was very surprised to find that virtually none of them are using this amazing tool. I have shared the extension with all of my colleagues and they all love it! Some of the highlights that I keep using everyday: 1. Different ... Show more

Jamil Vallis-WalkerJamil Vallis-Walker

This extension has an abundance of useful features, two of which I want to specifically call out. The first is the "ORGanizer Change Set Helper," which allows for the addition and removal of components from a Change Set at speeds and convenience not possible with SalesForce's native interface. Second, the color-coding of different Org and Sandbox tabs is a surprisingly useful tool that makes navigation among development environments very intuitive. The product is high quality, free, and worth... Show more