What is Open with Google Docs

The plugin 'Open with Google Docs' falls under the category of Productivity Tools and includes subcategories such as Chrome Extension and Document Processing

It allows users to quickly open Google Docs apps and documents using Google Docs, enhancing productivity and document processing capabilities

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653 Ratings

Anna FreibertAnna Freibert

i havent even got to use it yet and its MAKING ME write a review before i can use it!! what honestly is kind of odd if you ask me....Id wait until the person actually got to use the app/extension ya know??

Danial ahmedDanial ahmed

Don't even know if I like the extension, because I am supposed to rate it before. How can you rate something before using it, that would be the same as buying something unseen and expected to like it.

Donald WebsterDonald Webster

Don't even know if I like the extension, because I am supposed to rate it before. How can you rate something before using it, that would be the same as buying something unseen and expected to like it.