Oasis Wallet


24 Ratings
Oct 18, 2023

#Blockchain #Cryptocurrency #Wallet

What is Oasis Wallet

The Oasis Wallet is a non-custodial browser extension wallet for the Oasis Network

It allows users to easily send, receive, delegate, undelegate ROSE, and view transaction records

Additionally, it supports sending ROSE to different ParaTimes, creating multiple ROSE wallet accounts, importing non-custodial ROSE wallet accounts, using ROSE wallet accounts on Ledger Wallet, and accessing Oasis-enabled distributed applications (dApps) in the browser

The wallet currently supports ROSE with more digital assets on the Oasis Network coming soon

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24 Ratings

Brandon CookBrandon Cook

While the paratime (parallel runtime) architecture of the Oasis blockchain is very complex and can be difficult to get one's head around, this wallet (alongside Metamask for EVM) is a very clean, intuitive solution to navigating the network. As far as a typical user is concerned, Paratimes work much like Layer-2 rollup networks like Arbitrum and Optimism that run on top of Ethereum as a Layer-1. But, instead of using risky bridge protocols to move assets up/down/between layers of Ethereum's ... Show more

JR RowlingJR Rowling

Wow Super Ez to use. 24 mneomic phase done through main wallet. extension only create 12 word.

Will BeecherWill Beecher

I love it but please OASIS never claim this is 3rd party wallet like scammers at MyAlgo did.