What is NooBox

Reverse image search, extract images, screenshot & search, auto refresh, H5 video control

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235 Ratings


It's great when it works which is not as frequent as I would like. The main reason why I use this extension is because of the 'search screenshot' option, but no results show after selecting area I want to search, this is happening a lot more than I like to admit. 3 out 10 times I can get this to work, but this is becoming more frustrating as its proving to be unreliable. I wish there more, if any suitable alternative extensions that has the same screenshot search feature, but most are more g... Show more

Raiden RoyRaiden Roy

Thanx developer I really like this extension but I didn't like 2 things so far! First the UI plz make a materialistic UI and 2nd there is no option in NOOBOX to extract all the images like from one image you can open many other give a user power to save all the images instead of right clicking on all of the extracted images user should hit extract button to save all the image to hard disk.

Clément PlanteClément Plante

the best until it does the thing were it only search on porn website and its full of hantai on your school pc screen at school lol. but yeah other than that this is like god work. it would be handy if it was on Firefox too becaues I'm too lazy