Meet Chat Transcribe


19 Ratings
Oct 09, 2023

#Communication #Google #Meeting Services #Tech Companies

What is Meet Chat Transcribe

Transcribe Google Meet Chats to a Google Doc

When engaged, chats will be saved to a Google doc in the Meet Chat Transcripts folder of your Google Drive

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19 Ratings

Francesca VanegasFrancesca Vanegas

I am an English teacher, and this application provides me with a simple to use tool that allows me to interact with my students in a meaningful way. I have used it for years and both the student and I chat on Meet Chat Transcribe right in the middle of our English class. The app allows me to give the student instant written feedback. I use the app to teach writing in English, I use it for dictations, for mistakes the student makes which we can then review. the app saves all the conversati... Show more

Uby OneUby One

I wrote to Clay, because the extension had an error accessing GDrive. Clay was so kind to fix it in few days. Now it works! Simply install in GChrome and activate it (default). At the first usage you will be asked for permissions; of course give. In your GMeet will appear an additional icon (bottom right) similiar to the chat icon. Click on it to activate - done - it starts to write a doc with the text of your GMeet chat! You can see in realtime in your GDrive as: "My Drive > Meet Chat Tran... Show more

Jillian RivardJillian Rivard

Does this only work in the paid version of google meet? I was logged in to google, selected the transcribe butting, had captions going... but now just gettting the error '# 2020-04-27 null' when I paste. No Meet Transcripts folder in the drive. So. what went wrong? Did I use it wrong, or does it just not work?