What is Indie Wiki Buddy

Indie Wiki Buddy is a browser extension designed to help users discover and support quality, independent wikis

It provides content filtering across multiple search engines, redirects to independent wikis when available, and supports over 140 independent wikis across 10 languages

The extension also offers user control, allowing users to choose their experience wiki-by-wiki

Additionally, it supports an affiliated service, BreezeWiki, which renders Fandom wikis without ads or bloat, providing a more enjoyable reading experience when an independent wiki isn't available

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48 Ratings

Ryan McKannaRyan McKanna

I want to like this and appreciate the effort but the changelog prompt pops up surprisingly often at random times, takes over your browser focus regardless of what you're doing, and cannot be turned off. I thought extensions only updated when you first opened the browser but it just happened again while I was editing text in another tab. The interruptions are just too inconvenient to keep this extension installed. I wish there was an option to turn off the forced changelog tab focus each ti... Show more


Excellent extension, though I do have a complaint, but one which should be easily addressed. I like that there is an option to include a banner with links to independent alternative wikis, since I prefer that over being redirected automatically. This banner does not contain breezewiki links however, and the only option for breezewiki compatibility is to be automatically redirected, even if you attempted to visit the original fandom wiki through breezewiki's own links. I'd like to suggest that... Show more

Clementine DimplefimpyClementine Dimplefimpy

Fandom and Fextralife are literally some of the worst things to happen to gaming information repositories. Fandom because of it's unitability due to a million ads, particularly on mobile, and fextralife for it's horrible information templates with ??? under every category tricking you into thinking there's info there from a search. They also of course do that awful view botting thing by putting their twitch channel on every page so which leads to them having 30k viewers on twitch, but nobody ... Show more