What is Image Search Options

This plugin provides customizable context menu options for reverse image search in Chrome

It allows fast and efficient use of various reverse image search engines such as IQDB, SauceNAO, TinEye, and Google

Users can add their own sites and customize existing options

The plugin aims to improve its extensibility over time

It has been helping users locate image sources since 2008

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602 Ratings


Five stars because this extension is very useful. I have just one feature request. Suppose I have 3 tabs open: A B C I use the extension on an image in tab A, which opens a new tab D after the rightmost tab: A B C D But I want the extension to open tab D after tab A: A D B C Maybe you could make this an option, because some people probably like the extension's current behavior. When I open a link in a new tab (without using the extension), Chromium opens it like in my suggestion, directly a... Show more

Smith JamesSmith James

Great extension but needs more options like... I would like to add Yandex but unfortunately it requires to add "&rpt=imageview" at the end of the URL which i believe this extension can't do. It should look like "https://yandex.com/images/search?url=[IMAGE URL GOES HERE]&rpsearcht=imageview" If it were an option to mark where the image URL goes with lets say * and the URL would look like this: "https://yandex.com/images/search?url=*[IMAGE URL GOES HERE]*&rpsearcht=imageview" So the URL goe... Show more

Floofy TankerFloofy Tanker

It has less image search engines than its firefox counterpart. there's no yandex, WhatAnime, Ascii2D, ImgOps, KarmaDecay, etc. Please add the rest of them, very important when looking for hard to find images Edit: Please update it already, the firefox is on version 3 and this one is still in version 0 Edit: I'm having problems with the context menu disappearing, I needed to restart the browser just to see the option again. Edit: Google Image Search doesn't work, please fix