What is iGive Button

The iGive Button is an E-commerce Tool that facilitates Charity Fundraising and Donation Integration

It is a Browser Extension that allows users to support their favorite cause or charity while shopping at 1,800 stores

The plugin also includes a Privacy Policy and Terms of Use for user transparency and consent

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47 Ratings

M. J. LeeM. J. Lee

I REALLY dislike that it replaces the page I see when opening a new tab. This is so inconvenient that I have now disabled the iGive button (a Chrome extension). Then when I am shopping online I forget to turn it on so many purchases that could be supporting my cause are not. Please change this!

Lawrence “The Dreamer” ChenLawrence “The Dreamer” Chen

While the hijacking of other unrelated tabs to do the iGive redirection seems to have resolved. When idle, it is constantly writing to my drive. And, seems to be checking in every second.... Not the kind of thing I want on my Chromebook 3G...wearing out my SSD or consuming my 100MB per month.

A Chrome Web Store userA Chrome Web Store user

REDIRECT MALWARE?? Every time I click on a link, it would take me to ICE.COM or BUILD.COM then redirect to my intended link. I thought I had a virus or malware. when I uninstalled this iGive button, the redirect malware stuff all went away. So is this malware?