iCloud Bookmarks


4.0K Ratings
Nov 10, 2023

#Bookmark #Bookmark Services

What is iCloud Bookmarks

bookmark sync, iCloud integration, cross-device bookmarking

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4.0K Ratings


Been wondering for many and months why I keep finding my bookmarks out of order and thousands of duplicates cluttering up my tab bar. Got in the habit of using another extension to remove dupes, sort, then delete the old ones I had deleted before. Bad idea, I ended up deleting too many and messed up my old system. And are those ones coming back? of course not, that would be helpful. I have tried numerous solutions for how to stop the duplicating bookmarks problem, and nothing has worked. And ... Show more

John LeeJohn Lee

This extension suffers from inadvertently creating duplicate bookmarks when trying to sync with safari bookmarks. I haven't been able to identify what causes this problem, but I'll spot duplicate bookmarks now and then in random folders with random links. I didn't like to way it looks and affected my usage with bookmarks, so I'm removing it altogether. I hope that Apple finds a way to fix this. I'll check back from time to time if this issue has been fixed.

Krishnendu LahaKrishnendu Laha

As with Apple being Apple they obviously wouldn't bother with anything other than workable for other platforms so is this extension and the Windows iCloud app. It works barely and that's all you are gonna get. Want a better experience then just get a damn MacBook even if you don't need it. For people saying sync not working try this - restart your computer and it should work. iCloud Windows app doesn't sync unless restarted. Yeah it's that buggy