I don't care about cookies


1.1K Ratings
Sep 25, 2023

#Cookie Management #Management

What is I don't care about cookies

Remove cookie warnings from websites and manage cookie policies to comply with EU regulations

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1.1K Ratings


It did a great job over the years. Unfortunately, it sold out to Avast AND defaulted to a "Give me all the cookies" approach. Selling out was the last straw - I mean, realistically, what would Avast want with this extension, if not gobble up user data of people that normally frowned on that sort of thing? There's no real other money-making potential here that I can see. So long, and thanks for all the -fish- cookies. Switched to Consent-O-Matic instead.

Thor NoeThor Noe

Don't use! It has been bought up by Avast who is known for spying on users and re-selling their information. Instead, use the same extension but without Avast owning your data: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/i-still-dont-care-about-c/edibdbjcniadpccecjdfdjjppcpchdlm Or consider this PopUpOFF if you want to ignore popups all together: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/popupoff-popup-and-overla/ifnkdbpmgkdbfklnbfidaackdenlmhgh/related

Hunter AmakuHunter Amaku

Warning, this extension makes changes to your search engines and possibly even youtube videos. When I search for anything at all, I get absolutely no results, and while I'm not 100% positive it's related to this extension, one time I left youtube on the home page and it randomly started playing a video in the background. The results thing is 100% related to the extension because I get the results back when I disable this extension