What is HyperChat [Improved YouTube Chat]

Improved YouTube chat with CPU/RAM optimizations, customization options, and cutting-edge features! HyperChat improves the YouTube livestream chat experience with a suite of CPU/RAM optimizations, customization options, and cutting-edge features!

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102 Ratings

Dylan MurphyDylan Murphy

I love everything this extension does but there is just 1 thing that makes me keep it disabled most of the time. And that is the inability to click my own message to see that I am able to remove it which also confirms that it actually went through. The reason is so many streamers block a lot of random words from chat and many times a completely normal or respectable comment will not go through and you wont even know it. The only way to check is to click on your message and if it shows you are... Show more


Amazing -- clearly the reviews show that people don't know where to find the extension settings, since most of the things people complain about can be customized in settings. My only issue is the ~2 second delay in sending messages, but it's still worth it to be able to watch streams without stuttering thanks to CPU overflow. I understand that it's probably an API limitation, but I would love to see less message-sending delay, and the ability to superchat etc. from the Hyperchat box. Great ... Show more

Антон СавельевАнтон Савельев

This extension fully changes how youtube chat looks, and all changes seem to be for the worst: - Removes avatars - Makes the text smaller and less readable - Adds alternating black and gray background to messages which is a good intention, but the gray is too bright, vibrates with green usernames and adds too much visual clutter and impairs readability - Chat messages are misaligned vertically within their background boxes, either up or down, always off center - Pressing chat function buttons... Show more