What is Humble New Tab Page

This plugin is a browser extension that enhances the new tab page, allowing for bookmark management and customization

It features a simple, clean design, is highly customizable, and offers fast loading and lightweight performance

Users can customize the layout, font, colors, and spacing

The plugin replaces the default new tab page and allows for drag and drop functionality to create new columns or reorder them

It also provides the option to customize the font, colors, spacing, and more from the options menu

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1.1K Ratings

Don ArsenaultDon Arsenault

Humble New Tab Page is perfect. All my bookmarks displayed so FAST and conveniently, plus a few extras like Recent Bookmarks and Recently Closed tabs. Just need to scroll to get to any bookmark. I love how I can move a folder of bookmarks to a separate column! Combine with Holmes for searching bookmarks in the Omnibox on the new tag page. The stock Chrome New Tab page had been annoying me for a long time; it's slow search box starts with a white background then corrects to the black backgro... Show more

Francois Carpentier (Francewhoa)Francois Carpentier (Francewhoa)

Lots of Options, Strong Security & Privacy, Easy, Fast Strength: • Open source. If you are not familiar with "open source", it means this app is more secure. Because its code is publicly available for review and contributions on GitHub at https://github.com/quodroc/HumbleNewTabPage/ • Attractive MIT license. This means the software code of this extension code is owned and supported by a friendly not-for-profit community. Instead of a for-profit corporation. https://github.com/quodroc/Humble... Show more

Róbert “FurloSK” TothRóbert “FurloSK” Toth

hey, thanks for a great extension! There's one small bug/problem that drives me crazy, though :) Whichever option I select in "Open links in" setting, pages from Recently closed list always get opened in their own new tab, so the tab from "Humble New Tab Page" extension remains opened. I have been debugging this a little bit and while I have no idea why this is happening, removing/commenting lines 24-26 in newtab.js—within the "if (node.action)" condition—solves this problem. Is this somethi... Show more