Hope Chest


392 Ratings
Nov 14, 2023

#Data Analysis #Data

What is Hope Chest

Hope Chest is a genealogy tool designed to assist users in searching their family tree, including specific family lines, descendants of ancestors, and discovering specific ordinances and records

It integrates with FamilySearch

org and provides features for record management, data analysis, and gender search fix

The plugin also includes legal agreements, technical support, and user testimonials

The website homepage offers additional information and user feedback

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392 Ratings

John GwynnJohn Gwynn

I have used Hope Chest successfully for many years until a few months ago. It has taken me six months of trials to determine that the problem is not with FamilySearch or my tree or 20 of my friends trees or my computer or my Internet providers service, etc.The problem is with Hope Chest Software. And, the problem is that Hope Chest Software no longer does a complete descendancy search. It simply stops after running for a while. I have tried it on dozens of my ancestors beginning at the 8th an... Show more

Kelvin BrewerKelvin Brewer

I have been a longtime user. I paid for the 'lifetime' family license many years ago. When they switched to subscription, they offered me a discount on the annual cost to keep the family license, which I accepted. I work for a software company so I understand the need to get annual reoccurring revenue to stay in business. This software has valuable features that I USED often. I have not had access to the full features since the switch. I have emailed, including forwarding the annual payment ... Show more

Patricia HeatonPatricia Heaton

I used Hope Chest when it first came out and loved it. I got many people to start using it. I am so sad that Eric Vance isn't still in control. I can't even find a working email for Hope Chest to express my frustrations. [email protected]. this email does not work!! The new version of Hope Chest doesn't work either. The old one was great. I am so disappointed. I tried to label a line that I wanted to search which is very basic. That's what I use Hope Chest for. The window that cam... Show more