Google Meet Volume Control


132 Ratings
Jun 29, 2023

#Communication #Meeting Services

What is Google Meet Volume Control

Client side volume control for Google Meet

Set a global volume for all Meet participants (client side)

Click the extension's icon while in Google Meet to adjust the volume using a simple slider

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132 Ratings

chewy chocochewy choco

guys it works, and if you need help all you have to do is press the puzzle icon on the upper right corner of your google window and look for "google meet volume control" and you press that, then it pops on the left of the puzzle icon and you press it again then it will show a small volume adjuster then you can go left to decrease it and right to increase the volume. Now you can peacfully let your teacher nag without completely muting your site :>


Thanks for this! It really helped because google meet doesn't have a standard feature set like this. My teachers usually has loud mics and sometimes it gets too loud and unpleasant (I also listen to music sometimes and just wanted to level the volume off without having to destroy my hearing). I've had no problems so far and I hope I wouldn't encounter any through the course of time. Thanks again!


Hello for some reason the volume doesn't work for me anymore. It was working just fine in the morning and when I went to my 4th period class it suddenly stopped working and I'm not really sure why. I think there's some type of error but I don't really know. Hopefully you see this because I really like this extension oof.